Accepting Clients
Online Only
Accepting Clients
Online Only
laid-back, gentle but direct, easy to talk to & goal oriented. My style is not scary or hard. Most people feel better about it once we get to talking.
I am solution-focused and goal-oriented because I want you to see progress & end therapy. This is not just talking or checking in. Goals guide our sessions. My ideal client is someone who is ready to talk it out, do the work & create change.
learn skills for holistic health & wellness: mind, body & soul. We'll process your thoughts, explore your feelings & understand your behaviors better. Everything you're experiencing is happening for a valid reason (I promise). Let's dive in together.
struggle with stress, anxiety & trauma but want to do something about it to feel better. Many of my clients are Latina women who downplay or avoid their struggles to be there for everyone else. It's time to ask for help & put yourself first.
as a Latina from a small town, counseling was never a part of my upbringing. I went through so much alone. I want to be the therapist I never had.
it's online, from the comfort of your home! You can be in pjs on the couch with your cat, sit in your car, go to a park & still get therapy support.
I started my private practice last year! Big deal for a Latina in the borderland. I want counseling to be approachable & helpful. People are investing time, money & energy into therapy to feel better. I won't waste your time. Try it & quit anytime.
Women’s Health
Trauma-Informed Therapy
Women’s Health
Trauma-Informed Therapy